Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Anaconda: a distribution of Python
Jupyter: a development environment (IDE) where we can write code, display images, and write markdown notes.

Open Jupyter Notebook

  1. Anaconda Navigator -> Jupyter Notebook
    By this way, we can only open Jupyter Notebook for data under C:\User\User\ (the layer of Anaconda3 is)

  2. Anaconda prompt -> change directory to where *.ipynb files are -> ‘$ Jupyter Notebook’

    Run Code

  3. Use the ‘Run’ button

  4. shift + Enter

    Download Notebook as Other Formats

    ‘File’ -> ‘Download as’


  1. ‘Kernel’ -> ‘Interrupt’ : used when have bad while-loop
  2. ‘Kernel’ -> ‘Restart’